Que Sera Stone
Que Sera Stone (Available in Store)
Have you heard the song Que Sera Sera before? With the repeating phrase of 'Whatever Will Be, Will Be' checkered throughout the song.
Many of us have and with it the understanding and truth of the song's morals leaves us feeling less apprehensive.
If you're stressed out the Que Sera Stone will aid in reminding you to 'let go' and that not everything is under your control.
When we let go, that's where we find our calmness and in walks a sense of serenity and peace found through stillness.
The Que Sera Stone is only found in Brazil. It has many different minerals which aids in addressing all the chakra points. Sitting still with a Que Sera Stone will support you through your thought process of finding peace in what troubles you.
Sometimes... most times, a shift in perspective is all we need.
'Whatever will be, will be.
Size and colours will vary.